F*ck Wellness

Audio Erotica, Core Values, and 90 Day Dinners

Generation Three Girls Season 3 Episode 15

Have you heard of the app Quinn? Well, buckle up because Makena tried it and is here to give her honest review...and it's juicy! In a seamless transition, Mal then shares how she identified her core values and Lara introduces the concept of 90 day dinners and why she thinks everyone should be doing this (with friends or by yourself)! In true best-friend fashion, we hit on all the topics this week.

If you loooove (or even just like) F*ck Wellness, please leave us a rating and review! We will love u forever. Promise.

Follow us on Instagram at @fckwellness for snarky commentary and daily updates!

Personal instas:
Mallory: @mallorycmw
Lara: @laravanderb22
Makena: @makenasherwood

If you loooove (or even just like) F*ck Wellness, please leave us a rating and review! We will love u forever. Promise.

Follow us on Instagram at @fckwellness for snarky commentary and pictures of our faces!!

Personal instas:
Mallory: @mallorycmw
Lara: @laravander22
Makena: @makenasherwood