F*ck Wellness

Makena's Bechdel Test for Sex

Generation Three Girls Season 3 Episode 14

Mal and Lara help Makena navigate who to sleep with by creating a Bechdel Test, but for sex. Lara describes her first few days working at Trader Joe's. Fitz pees all over Mallory's floor mid-pod. It's a chaotic time. ENJOY! <3

If you loooove (or even just like) F*ck Wellness, please leave us a rating and review! We will love u forever. Promise.

Follow us on Instagram at @fckwellness for snarky commentary and daily updates!

Personal instas:
Mallory: @mallorycmw
Lara: @laravanderb22
Makena: @makenasherwood

If you loooove (or even just like) F*ck Wellness, please leave us a rating and review! We will love u forever. Promise.

Follow us on Instagram at @fckwellness for snarky commentary and pictures of our faces!!

Personal instas:
Mallory: @mallorycmw
Lara: @laravander22
Makena: @makenasherwood